55 pages 1 hour read

Susan Meissner

A Fall of Marigolds

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2014

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Chapters 35-38

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 35 Summary: “Taryn”

This chapter returns to Taryn’s timeline. Taryn cannot believe Mick still has the scarf; through her shock, she hears Mick ask if she wants the scarf back. Instead of answering, Taryn asks Mick if he believes that everything happens for a reason. Mick immediately answers that he does, and his “quick confidence in providence awed [Taryn]” (324). Mick explains that he’s “looked for [her] for a decade. At every 9/11 event, inside every subway station, in the face of every woman on the sidewalk who reminded [him] of [her]. And yes,” he continues, he “asked God to help” him find her (324). Taryn does not want to believe that, however. She thinks it would be “better for [her] to believe that chance alone impacted [her] choices” (324). She then tells Mick that the scarf was not hers, and she will have someone contact him if the real owner wants it back. She then hangs up the phone despite his protestations.

She attends the 9/11 memorial with her daughter, achieving “a measure of peace” (326) but continues to be haunted by whether Kent was destined to die or if it was random chance. As the days go on, Taryn is haunted by doubt and paralyzed by her inability to make a decision. However, one day while helping a customer, Taryn realizes all at once that she has the freedom to choose what to believe: She can choose to believe that what has happened was destiny, or she can choose to believe it was random. She realizes that this is “the beauty and terror of choice” (328). She chose to love Kent, and the terrorists responsible for his death chose hatred, and the “effects of [those] choices had spilled onto each other. They always did” (329). Taryn’s newfound clarity directs her path. She decides to find Mrs. Stauer, reasoning that perhaps the “scarf was reappearing now for her sake” rather than for Taryn (329), but she wants to show it to Kendal first.

She calls Mick and goes to his shop. He returns the scarf to her, telling her that his ex-wife had thought he was foolish for trying so hard to return the scarf and that he was tormented by his decision to leave Taryn at the hospital. Taryn reassures him that he did everything he could for her, that she would have died if he had not helped her. Taryn does not “understand the depth of his regret” (334) until Mick explains that he received a text message from Kent after Mick had left Taryn at the hospital, one that “was delayed because of the overload” (334). Stunned by this revelation, Taryn weeps when Mick reveals the simple message to her: “Be happy” (335). Taryn understands then that Kent did not die thinking she was also dead, and that he knew of Kendal’s existence, realizing that the “scarf had found its way back not for Mrs. Stauer” or “even for Mick” but for her alone (335).

Chapter 36 Summary: “Clara”

Back in Clara’s timeline, Clara returns to the boardinghouse where Lily had sent the trunk. Exhausted by the day’s events, Clara sleeps in the rented room before calling Ellis Island with a message for Ethan and for Dolly, letting them know she would be spending the night on the mainland. The next day, Clara goes to the newspaper office again, this time reading all the articles about the fire that she had avoided for months, “something of a ritual cleansing, long overdue” (338). Each article feels “at first like a blow to the chest, and then a remembrance for the dead, and then a stone to be cast across the wide sea of [her] memory” (340). She next decides to travel to see Edward’s parents and his fiancée, Savina Mayfield, to tell them that Edward died comforting the young girl whose hand he held when they jumped. The woman at the newspaper office gives Clara the Brims’ address but remarks that Savina had already married someone else. This news leaves Clara almost speechless.

Unfortunately, when she arrives, Edward’s family is out of town. She leaves a note with a neighbor who tells her that no one had really liked Edward’s fiancée; there were signs that Edward had started to see she “was nothing but trouble wrapped in a pretty face and sweet talk,” and that Edward “had told his mother he had met someone and was having second thoughts” (345). Clara feels her grief all over again but is soothed by the thought that this love was not all one-sided, that Edward had loved her in return. She visits his grave and thanks Edward because her “grieving heart could still believe in love” (345).

Chapter 37 Summary

Clara returns to the boardinghouse “with one purpose: to erase from the world the last remnants of [Lily’s] deception” (347). Clara gives Lily’s trunk to a homeless woman on the street, though she keeps the scarf. She returns to Ellis Island with a feeling of “weightlessness, as if Lily’s letter and certificate had been made of iron” and weeps with relief (348). Ethan is waiting for her, and he believes that Clara had spent the night with Andrew. As the hurt washes over his face, Clara allows herself to admit, finally, that Ethan is in love with her, as much as she had been in love with Edward. Clara reassures him and, after Ethan kisses her, tells him that she still plans to go to Scotland, that she needs “time for [her] heart to be still” (350). Although Ethan is disappointed, he understands that she needs time, and Clara promises to write to him.

Chapter 38 Summary: “Taryn”

Taryn meets Mick for dinner and feels “an unexpected kinship with Mick, a bond [she] had not sensed with anyone since Kent was alive” (352). This sense of connection prompts her to share everything with Mick, her struggle since 9/11 and her new understanding that she “had been living an in-between existence that had kept [her] cushioned from the hard and beautiful aspects of a full life” (352). Mick asks Taryn what her plans are, and she answers that she will finally tell Kendal the full story of the day Kent died, but she understands that he is also asking her if she has room in her life for a relationship.

The next day, Mrs. Stauer comes to the shop and Taryn asks her if she can keep the scarf for a few more days, so that she can have it with her when she explains everything to Kendal. Mrs. Stauer explains that she never intended to take the scarf, she just wanted to see it again. She points out that no matter what guilt Taryn might feel over Kent’s death, it was the scarf that had made her late, and in so doing “saved [her] daughter’s life” (359). Mrs. Stauer also shares a letter addressed to Mrs. Stauer’s late aunt Eleanor, who had been a maid in Scotland. Dated November 16, 1911, the letter reveals that Eleanor had been in love with a man who did not return her affection, and the letter writer gives her the scarf as a farewell gift to remind her to always choose love. The letter writer reveals that she is returning to the United States for love, before telling Eleanor to “[b]e happy. Choose hope.” The letter is signed, “Clara” (364). Taryn decides to give the scarf to Kendal, who “was just beginning to understand that the freedom to love and be loved, though it shook you to your core, made life exquisite” (364).

Chapters 35-38 Analysis

These last chapters reveal the connection between Taryn and Clara. Meissner seems to have realized that to have made Taryn and Clara distant relatives, or something of that nature, would have interfered with the establishment of the scarf as a symbol of destiny, which works in ways we cannot understand. Tracking the scarf’s ownership—Lily to Clara, Clara to Eleanor, Eleanor to Mrs. Stauer, Mrs. Stauer to Taryn—reveals the tenuous but important ways in which we affect other people. When Clara wrote the letter to Eleanor back in 1911, she had no way of knowing the comfort it would provide for a woman not yet born, just as Lily had no way of knowing how it would change Clara’s life. Meissner skillfully uses the pieces of all these stories to create a whole story, richly enhanced by these details.

Both women come to an understanding of love and its importance. Taryn first refuses to see the scarf’s reappearance as the sign that it is but quickly comes to an understanding like Clara. Clara realizes, before she knows that Edward had second thoughts about his fiancée, that it does not matter whether Edward had loved Clara in return, her love was real, and it deserved to be attended to and respected. Similarly, Taryn decides to choose love again before she knows that Kent had left her that final message. In this way, Meissner demonstrates the importance of agency: Neither character chose a new path because of what another person did or said, but because it was the right and healthy thing to do. Meissner also moves beyond the bounds of a traditional romance by her focus on the women who have owned the scarf, rather than the relationships they establish. Although the reader can infer that Clara returned to the United States to be with Ethan, it is never stated outright, much as Taryn’s possible relationship with Mick is left unexplored. Ultimately, what is important is not whether either character found love, but that they chose love, with the full knowledge of the pain that accompanies it because, as Dolly stated simply, love is “all there is” (282).