52 pages 1 hour read

Scarlett St. Clair

A Touch of Ruin

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2020

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Fate, Free Will, Choice, and Bargains

In A Touch of Ruin, St. Clair brings the fatalistic nature of the ancient Greek myths into conflict with modern notions of free will, agency, and a sense of self. In her mythos, the gods operate on a system of barters, bargains, and trades that represent their own kind of economy but question the extent of control an individual has over their own life.

Persephone plays out this conflict between fate and free will in her relationships with Hades and her mother. The Fates, who control human destiny, have established that Persephone will end up as consort and queen to the God of the Underworld. In the original myth, Persephone has little voice, no agency, and no control over her own fate. Hades abducts her, and her mother and Zeus negotiate her freedom. The only influence she has over her circumstances comes through the pomegranate seeds, which determine the length of her commitment to the underworld.

St. Clair borrows this idea of negotiation and bargaining to characterize how the gods in her world establish and conserve power, especially when they infringe upon one another’s realms, and she also examines how much control Persephone, a modern young woman, has over her own life. Persephone wants to establish independence from her mother by having her own apartment and a job that interests her, but her opportunities at her workplace are limited by disapproving bosses (Demetri and, above him, Kal Stavros, who didn’t get his exclusive). Her apartment feels like less of a home or refuge after Lexa dies.

While Persephone continues to resist her mother’s control, the greatest constraint on her actions is her new relationship with Hades: Consideration of his feelings and his response to her circumstances becomes her greatest concern. When her fate with him has been foretold, the real question remaining is whether—or to what extent—her feelings and preferences will fall in line with this destiny. That Persephone falls in love with Hades and chooses, after much persuasion, to marry him suggests that she has reached a decision based on her own wants and needs. However, her question to him about whether he would want her without the decree of the Fates opens a larger debate about how much agency is possible in a world where fates are woven by greater powers and an individual’s control over their fate is limited.

Lexa suggests that each life has purpose when she says that her own work was to empower Persephone; this purpose echoes the way the gods each have their realm or domain of influence. Yet the story shows how limited Persephone’s agency is when other gods or more powerful figures have decided for her, and her ability to choose her own destiny is limited to bargaining and negotiating with Hades, Apollo, her boss, and her mother to achieve a small degree of freedom. St. Clair invites the reader to reflect on their own degree of personal freedom and to what extent they are constrained by larger powers and social constructs.

Celebrity and Its Costs

In translating the ancient Greek gods to a modern setting, St. Clair preserves their specific powers—healing and music are Apollo’s provenance, for example; love and beauty are Aphrodite’s; Hermes is the God of Trickery; Hecate is the Goddess of Witchcraft; and Persephone is the Goddess of Spring. However, her modern Olympians are also celebrities in the world of New Athens and, as such, are metaphors for the nature of modern celebrity and its costs. This metaphor doesn’t extend to Pirithous, a demigod, and Leuce, a nymph, who live as mortals in the Upperworld; even Sybil’s oracular powers are described more as a talent or skill. The gods, however, have the name recognition and social capital of modern entertainers and athletes or, in the case of Hades, influential business leaders. Hermes, famous for being famous, is adored for his fashion sense and charisma; Apollo is beloved as an entertainment figure. Both have devoted fans who take a personal interest in the lives and reputations of their idols.

Apollo’s cult following illustrates the perils of such devotion. His fans will not admit that their star has flaws, and the adulation gives him immunity from being held accountable for his actions. When Persephone accuses him of treating his lovers badly, she finds herself under attack, much as one sees in the modern world when women accuse athletes, entertainers, or other powerful figures of abuse. Blaming the accuser is a deeply problematic response, and St. Clair shows how the victims suffer; Sybil is turned down for other jobs and is afraid to come forward to tell her story because she expects that she, too, will be attacked. That only Hades, an equally powerful figure, can bring Apollo to account for his actions suggests that the typical machinery of democratic justice isn’t effective against the very famous or the very rich.

Persephone’s new celebrity in being connected to a public figure shows the sacrifice of privacy and anonymity that results from being widely recognized. People approach her in public spaces to take her picture and show no regard for her wishes. She is mobbed whenever she is recognized, her attire evaluated, and her actions judged; everything about her becomes a narrative for someone else to discuss. Most offensive to her is how there is now a public demand to know the details of her private life, specifically her romance with Hades. As Stavros tells her, the story will sell, and he wants to make money off her new fame. Persephone meets this demand on her own terms later when she publishes her story through her own platform, The Advocate. She compromises with her celebrity and tries to shape the narrative as much as she can.

Hades proves the conundrum that, while famous, he isn’t well-known; the public largely isn’t aware of his many charities run through the Cypress Foundation, and they also aren’t aware of the extent of his power in the earthly underworld of Iniquity. While her public image as his lover changes Persephone’s ability to be a regular person, the last scene of the book suggests that Hades’ reputation has turned largely positive, and both have reconciled with their fame and public interest as a power couple. They will choose to negotiate their own celebrity as much as they can, balancing the costs with the rewards of influence and fame.

Identity, Talent, and Influence

The question of self-definition is part of Persephone’s character arc through the novel as she struggles to build and maintain an identity on her own terms, one not dictated to her by her mother, lover, or anyone else. This quest is made problematic by the plot device that her destiny with Hades has been established by the Fates. This fatalistic thinking is at odds with the modern preference for agency and works against the negotiations Persephone makes. As her ability to be independent recedes, she becomes, instead, the partner of a powerful man, with access to his power and influence but subject to his protection and rules.

Some of Persephone’s attempts at building her identity are reactive in that she is separating herself from her mother and trying, to some extent, to remain independent of Hades. Initially, she doesn’t want her relationship to define her. She would rather be known as a journalist and investigative reporter; she wants to cultivate her talent and skill, and she would like her influence to result from her own skills, not be borrowed from her boyfriend.

However, at a turning point in the novel, Hecate points out that Persephone is clinging to a sense of self that is no longer relevant. She warns, “You are holding on to a life that no longer serves you. A job that punishes you for your relationships, a friendship that could have blossomed in the Underworld, a mother who has taught you to be a prisoner” (289). For Hecate, the proof that Persephone wants the wrong things is in the magic that manifests from her skin, causing her pain. Hecate counsels a new direction for her self-definition, saying, “Create the life you want, Persephone, and stop listening to everyone else” (289). She suggests that the answer to Persephone’s dilemma is not choosing one realm or the other, Underworld or Upperworld; this dichotomy echoes the resolution of the ancient myth in which Persephone belongs to both realms at different times of the year.

However, throughout the course of the novel, Persephone gives up her notions of independence to become Hades’ partner. She tries, to some extent, to state her wishes, but she will always be defined by his far superior power, magic, wisdom, and experience. She chooses to take a throne at his side and wear a crown and ring that identify her as his queen. In this novel, at least, Persephone sees her role as less than Goddess of Spring, with a role in the Upperworld, but chooses instead to cast herself in the role of Queen of the Underworld, wholly defining herself by her relationship to Hades.