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Louisa May Alcott

Eight Cousins

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1874

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Authorial Context: Louisa May Alcott

Louisa May Alcott was a 19th-century American writer best known for her novel Little Women, which is set in her childhood home of New England and loosely based on her experience growing up with three sisters. Alcott’s works are influenced by her unconventional upbringing. Both of Alcott’s parents were transcendentalists, meaning that they adhered to the idealistic belief in people’s innate goodness and worth. They were part of a group of writers and thinkers, including famous American intellectuals such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, who advocated for women’s rights and suffrage, workers’ rights, educational and lifestyle innovation, and other humanitarian causes. Alcott shared many of her parents’ humanist values, leading her to serve as a nurse at the start of the Civil War, support abolition, join the women’s suffrage movement in the 1870s, and write for publications promoting women’s rights.

Eight Cousins, published in 1875, reflects the transcendentalist outlook instilled in Alcott from a young age, particularly in the characterization of Uncle Alec. He is a transgressive thinker who challenges many parenting and educational norms of the time. He does not send Rose to finishing school and instead develops her intellect in traditionally masculine subjects, like geography, and promotes self-reliance and financial independence through lessons in accounting. His dedication to improving Rose’s physical fitness and physiological knowledge, and his insistence on her wearing clothing for mobility over fashion, set Rose up as an active agent in her own life rather than an object for others. In addition, his decision to support Rose’s impoverished friend Phebe’s education reveals his humanitarian spirit. The novel’s favorable portrayal of Uncle Alec’s bold educational “experiment” supports the feminist and transcendentalist values by which Alcott lived.

Historical Context: Gendered Roles in 19th-Century American Families

Dominant 19th-century American society was characterized by strict gender roles reinforced by legal and economic systems. Family structures were patriarchal, meaning that men were considered the heads of the family and the chief breadwinners. As industrialization progressed, cities became the centers of commerce and the sites of labor rather than the countryside. Increasingly, men commuted to work, meaning that they were often absent from their rural homesteads and the domestic space was considered a feminine space. In the novel, the convention of the absent male figure is demonstrated by the marginalization of Rose’s uncles in the domestic setting, except for Uncle Alec. Her Uncle Steve lives in India and never appears, while Uncle Jem works as a sea captain and shows up once briefly for a surprise visit. Even Uncle Mac, despite being physically present for much of the time, is overshadowed by the aunts; he is “quiet as a mouse at home” and “let his wife rule undisturbed” (47). Alcott’s setting of her story in a domestic space run primarily by female characters, established through the name “Aunt Hill,” epitomizes this context of 19th-century family life.

While many men of the era were away in the city at work, women—who were excluded from most professions by law or had limited access to a qualifying education—were often confined to isolated rural estates. Many women were relegated to the profession of homemaking. Women were commonly viewed as both the “queens” and “angels” of domestic spaces and responsible for making a happy home; as written by Mrs. A. J. Graves in 1841, “[t]he sanctuary of domestic life is to her [the wife] the place of safety as well as the ‘post’ of honor” (Quoted in Goodsell, W. “The American Family in the Nineteenth Century.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 160, 1932). Alcott’s characterization of Aunt Plenty as “cumbered with the cares of this world and quite happy with them” demonstrates this archetype of the mother as dutiful homemaker in the novel (51). This is also recognized by Uncle Alec, who encourages Rose to learn the practical skills of running a house as a part of her well-rounded education. While Alcott’s work partly idealizes women’s passivity and conformity to domestic roles, the novel takes a progressive stance on The “Real” Versus “Ideal” Woman.

The United States in the 19th century was a Christian-dominated society in a period of moral reform. Many people believed in gendered sets of moral qualities, including the idea that mothers possess a special influence on The Development of Moral Consciousness in children. The novel explores the parent-child relationship. It adopts a high moralistic tone, using authorial intrusion to directly comment on and display the children’s flaws as a failing of their parents’ approaches to child-rearing. However, its family scenes are unconventional for the time. Middle and upper-class children were usually raised by nannies and governesses, but Alcott’s fictional families are intimately placed in close-knit domestic scenes. These scenarios echo Alcott’s own unconventional childhood, as her father played an active role in her and her sisters’ education and development.

Series Context: Eight Cousins and Rose in Bloom

Alcott published the sequel one year after the collected chapters of Eight Cousins were published as a novel. In Rose in Bloom, Rose transitions to adulthood, enters society, and deals with the realities of poverty, hardship, and the business of marriage. The novel develops many of the ideas about womanhood and The Development of Moral Consciousness that Alcott introduces in Eight Cousins. The theme of The “Real” Versus “Ideal” Woman is extended through the sequel’s plotline of Rose’s courtships and eventual marriage to her cousin, Mac. Rose’s well-rounded education helps her to make a sensible match, and Uncle Alec continues to be credited for her development. Rose states, “I’ve lived so long with a wise, good man that I am rather hard to suit, perhaps, but I don’t intend to lower my standard, and anyone who cares for my regard must at least try to live up to it” (Alcott, Louisa M. Rose in Bloom. Project Gutenberg, 10 Mar. 2018). Charlie’s attempts to win Rose’s heart are thwarted by his poor moral choices and bad habits, which tragically lead to his untimely death, reinforcing the importance of Parenting Styles and Their Impacts.