133 pages 4 hours read

John Green

Looking for Alaska

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2005

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Chapters 46-50

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 46 Summary

Miles runs into Lara the next Wednesday, and she looks at him angrily. He apologizes, as he knows that she must be suffering and that he has treated her badly. In spite of this, he is preoccupied with Alaska and the need to know the details of her death. Lara cannot help in this respect, and this is all that matters to Miles.  

Chapter 47 Summary

It has been well over a month since Alaska’s death, and Miles and his friends have been receiving cigarettes as a form of charity from other students. However, Miles is uneasy about these gifts, as he and the Colonel feel party responsible for Alaska’s death. He therefore feels some relief when this charity runs out and they have to buy cigarettes for themselves.


Miles and Takumi have received disappointing results in their pre-calculus test; possibly because Alaska is no longer around to teach them and neither one has spent much time studying. Miles also remains perturbed by the thought that Alaska no longer exists. Even moments of fun turn to sadness, as they prompt Miles and his friends to realize that she is gone.