49 pages • 1 hour read
Ali HazelwoodA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Chapter Summaries & Analyses
Jack invites Elsie to a game night at George’s, where they have a Go tournament. Jack and Elsie are the only two at the party who have not lost a game and face off against each other at the end of the tournament, with Elsie winning and beating Jack’s eight-month-long winning streak. George corners Elsie and asks her about the job offer, and Elsie says she wants to accept but needs Laurendeau’s approval. When she gets to the kitchen, Elsie sees Jack with one of the MIT experimental physicists, Andrea, who makes fun of Elsie and insinuates that she and Jack were once involved. This makes Elsie question whether or not Jack still somewhat despises her for being a theorist, and she is reminded of why she never liked Jonathan Smith-Turner in the first place.
At her apartment, Elsie finally talks to Jack about his article and how much it impacted her field and how everyone views her. Elsie calls Laurendeau an unintentional victim that Jack didn’t consider, but Jack tells her that he intentionally targeted Laurendeau and it was the mockery of theorists that was unintentional. He tells her about how Laurendeau collaborated with his mother and was the one who forced her out of physics because he was jealous and wanted control over her, just as he does with Elsie. Jack only wrote the article after he tried to report Laurendeau to his university and was told he couldn’t, and he tried to forget about the article until Elsie showed him just how much of an impact it had on her. Elsie is furious because he lied to her and had so many opportunities to tell the truth and own the consequences of his actions, and she asks him to leave.
Jack calls Elsie, but she never considers picking up. A few days later, she finally meets with Laurendeau again and tells him about the job opportunity, but he tells her that she will not accept the position. When Elsie begins to stand up for herself, Laurendeau calls her a “silly, stubborn girl” (314) but says that if she’s adamant about considering experimentalists she can go with one of the ones that approached him in the past, even though he had told her that none had. Elsie finally recognizes that Jack was right, as Laurendeau refuses to even hear the name Grethe Turner. As she is leaving, she tells him, “[Y]ou should really start calling me Elsie” (316).
Through a chain of emails inserted into the beginning of the chapter, it is revealed that Elsie has reported Laurendeau to the university and that her complaint is being taken seriously. Four days after her meeting with Laurendeau, Elsie goes to tell George in person that she will accept the job, and she feels proud that she made the decision on her own. She is still angry with Jack, as he essentially did the same thing as Laurendeau by withholding information from her because he thought it was best for her, denying her the ability to make her own decisions. When she gets home, Elsie finally admits to Cece all of the things she has lied to her about. Cece is mad but sadder that Elsie did not feel she could tell her things about herself, especially the fact that Twilight is her favorite movie. Cece tells Elsie that she would not love her any less if she had been honest with her, as Elsie expected, and the two quickly make up.
Cece brings up Elsie’s relationship with Jack and asks if it has anything to do with the article but isn’t referring to the one he published 15 years ago. Instead, Elsie discovers that Jack published another article in Annals of Theoretical Physics, the same journal he got Laurendeau fired from years prior. In his “open letter addressed to the scientific community” (328), Jack admits that he published his original article only for revenge and did not intend to have such an impact on the field of theoretical physics, nor did he understand just how much of an impact he made until a theorist told him. He apologizes for staying silent and doing nothing to suggest that he didn’t think theoretical physics was inferior until now, and he directly tells those who try to use his article to fuel the war between the disciplines not to. At the end of the article, he cites several of the best works of theory from the past decades, including Elsie’s. She recognizes that both she and Jack are complicated, but she still wants to be with him.
Elsie rushes to MIT to find Jack and runs into the whole department coming back from a meeting. Monica is suspicious about Elsie wanting to talk to Jack, but the rest of the department soon leaves them alone. Elsie apologizes for making Jack think that their relationship was over, but he never thought that, and was only giving her the space that she asked for. As she is trying to be completely honest with Jack and tell him the things that she is still mad about, her mother repeatedly calls. When Elsie finally answers, she tells her mom that she and her brothers are adults, and she needs to stop calling her about them. She tells Jack she accepted George’s job offer and that she still hates him but also has feelings for him. He tells her that the only thing he wants is to spend the rest of his life with her, and, though Elsie admits she is not completely there yet or ready for that in their relationship, Jack promises to wait for her as long as it takes.
Eight months later, Elsie and George publish an article, Cece moves in with Kirk, Elsie movies in with Jack, and Elsie’s mother has begun to respect her boundaries. For Jack’s birthday, Elsie gives him a card that reads “I know I’ve been slow, but I just wanted you to know something: I’m right here. With you” (343).
Elsie’s greatest difficulties in the climactic sections of the novel come when the two men she trusts most hurt her in ways she never could have imagined. Though Jack has continually accused Elsie of lying about things, even when she does so not to hurt or lose those around her, Jack does the same by keeping the secret about Laurendeau’s relationship with Grethe from her. His lack of consideration for her feelings in this situation mirrors how Jack fails to acknowledge the aftershocks of his divisive article. Laurendeau’s silence is more malicious than Jack’s, as Elsie learns that he has purposefully kept information about job prospects from her when she was overworking herself to make ends meet. He calls Elsie and Grethe “silly, stubborn girls” (315), further highlighting how little respect he has for them and how he believes his word is far more important than theirs. Jack and Laurendeau treat Elsie the same way, as both hide things from her that they don’t think she would be able to handle, infantilizing her and denying her the chance to make any decisions of her own. Ironically, Jack tries to encourage her to make her own decisions throughout the novel, illustrating his potential for growth. In comparison, Laurendeau tries to prevent Elsie’s individual agency, demonstrating his outdated and selfish viewpoint. Overall, the actions of these men continue to highlight the disadvantaged position of women in academia and how The Unnecessary Politicization of Academia damages the professionals within it. Finally, Jack and Laurendeau’s actions emphasize how important it is for Elsie to be able to choose for herself.
The timing of love and relationships is a minor recurring theme in Love, Theoretically, which becomes especially poignant toward the end of the novel. As their intimacy increases, Jack tells Elsie that she should lead the pace in their relationship, as he still thinks everything is moving too quickly but does not know how to slow down. Jack can see a future with Elsie in it, as is made clear when he tells Andrea, “She can be my damn wife if she wants to be” (302), and when he tells Elsie in the final chapter, “I need you to keep us in check. I need you to pace us, because wherever it is that we’re going…I’m here. I’m already right here” (336). Though Elsie tells Jack she is “almost there” (337), meaning she is almost ready to commit her future to being with Jack, it is also significant that she is not entirely as ready as he is. In the genre of contemporary romance, it is common that both main characters fall equally in love with one another. Yet at the end of the novel, Elsie is still learning to make decisions on her own, so it is significant that she does not entirely agree with Jack but takes her own feelings into consideration and reinforces the theme of Romantic Love as a Path to Self-Worth. Jack lets Elsie decide for herself what she wants out of their relationship, and eight months later, in the epilogue, Elsie finally tells Jack, “I’m right here. With you” (343).
Self-growth and forgiveness is especially significant to the characters toward the end of the novel, particularly regarding Elsie’s ability to forgive Jack’s lies and vice versa. She forgives Jack for keeping secrets from her because she finally understands that Jack is complicated and capable of growth, as is evidenced by his second article. Though he has tried to suggest that he only performs one version of himself, Elsie finally sees the different versions of Jack throughout his life, from the vengeful and thoughtless teenager who wrote the first article to the empathetic and considerate man who published the second. The capacity for characters to change and grow is also illustrated by Elsie and Cece’s reintroduction to each other at the end of Chapter 25 once Elsie finally tells her roommate all the things that she has been hiding from Cece to keep her friendship. Elsie’s ability to change is demonstrated by the fact that she finally begins standing up for herself and making her own decisions toward the end of the novel. Not only does she stand up to Laurendeau, but she also reports him to the university to prevent him from taking advantage of others as he has done with her. When she apologizes to Jack in Chapter 26, she still maintains that she loathes him, as she did at the beginning of the novel, despite her feelings becoming much more complex since then. The fact that she comes to her own decisions about George’s job offer and her future with Jack also reveals just how much Elsie has started to put her own needs first, rather than the wants of others, and emphasizes how much her sense of self-worth has grown since the beginning of the novel.
By Ali Hazelwood
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