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Ray BradburyA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
“Mustn’t crowd my luck.”
Braling‘s awareness of the risks associated with using a marionette hints at the impending consequences. This quote introduces an element of foreshadowing, suggesting that the pursuit of personal freedom may come at a cost.
“Why, It’s a ticket for Rio on the Thursday rocket!”
“Poor Smith, your marriage hasn’t exactly been roses, has it?”
Braling’s remark underlines how he and Smith reinforce one another’s dissatisfaction with their marriages. The emphasis on “your” implies that Braling is also unhappily married. The reference to roses, traditionally associated with romance, underlines the ideal of love compared to its reality. This passage highlights the theme of Marriage Versus Individual Desires.
When Smith puts his ear to Braling Two’s chest, he hears this sound. The ticking, reminiscent of a clock, emphasizes that Braling Two is mechanical and not human. Initially, the ticking represents Smith’s astonishment at the potential of technology. However, the line also foreshadows Smith’s later horror when he discovers his wife has been substituted with a marionette.
“Marionettes, Inc. Duplicate self or friends; new humanoid plastic 1990 models, guaranteed against all physical wear.”
“My wife never goes downstairs, and I have the only lock and key to that box.”
Braling describes keeping his marionette in a box in the basement. The motif of locks and keys represents deception and secrets. Braling’s confidence in this plan suggests a sense of control over both his wife and Braling Two. However, the character’s ability to keep Braling Two safely locked away is later challenged.
“It may be splitting hairs, but I think it highly ethical. After all, what my wife wants most of all is me. This marionette is me to the hairiest detail. I’ve been home all evening. I shall be home with her for the next month.”
Braling’s assertion highlights the ethical dilemmas and emotional complexities central to the story. The character presents his use of the marionette as a logical solution to his marital problems. However, his assertion that deceiving his wife in this way is “highly ethical” rings a false note.
“Your wife is rather nice […] I’ve grown rather fond of her.”
Braling Two’s statement introduces an unsettling tension as the marionette reveals an unexpected emotional connection. This foreshadows the complications that arise when technology attempts to replicate human relationships.
“Smith took the card and turned it round and round. ‘Thank you,’ he said. ‘You don’t know what this means. Just a little respite. A night or so, once a month even. My wife loves me so much she can’t bear to have me gone an hour.’”
Smith’s gratitude after learning about Marionettes, Inc. is underlined by the way he turns the card “round and round.” Bradbury uses situational irony as Smith describes the stifling nature of his wife’s love and his longing for a little freedom. It later emerges that his wife feels the same way, as she already substituted herself with a marionette.
“Clients must be pledged to secrecy, for while an act is pending in Congress to legalize Marionettes, Inc., it is still a felony, if caught, to use one.”
The concept of secrecy is raised by the small print on Marionette Inc.’s card. The revelation that possession of the marionettes is illegal conflicts with Braling’s earlier assertion that the arrangement is “highly ethical.” This clause also draws readers’ attention to the company’s dubious nature and the potential dangers involved in buying a marionette—factors Braling overlooks.
“Marionettes, Inc. is two years old and has a fine record of satisfied customers behind it. Our motto is ‘No Strings Attached.’”
This quote underlines the titular company’s promise of providing replicas without any apparent consequences. However, the wordplay of “No Strings Attached” undercuts this claim, considering the literal strings attached to marionettes. The revelation that the company is only “two years old” also undermines the concept of many “satisfied customers.”
“And then, the horrid thought. And then the terror and the loneliness engulfed him. And then the fever and disillusionment.”
This passage describes Smith’s horror when he realizes that his wife, Nettie, has been replaced by a replica. His feelings of desolation mark a significant change in the narrative’s previously humorous tone. Despite his desire for more freedom from his wife, he feels abandoned and alone.
“‘There’s a lot they don’t know about us,’ said Braling Two. ‘We’re pretty new. And we’re sensitive.’”
Here, Braling Two responds to Braling’s complaint that he did not anticipate a “difficult” marionette. By “difficult” Braling means a sentient being with needs and desires of their own. Braling Two’s response underlines the potential implications and dangers of advanced technology.
“I think—I’m in love with her.”
“Ten minutes later Mrs. Braling awoke. She put her hand to her cheek. Someone had just kissed it. She shivered and looked up. ‘Why–you haven’t done that in years,’ she murmured.”
By Ray Bradbury
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A Graveyard for Lunatics
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Selected from Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed
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The Halloween Tree
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The Illustrated Man
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The Martian Chronicles
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The Other Foot
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The Pedestrian
The Pedestrian: A Fantasy in One Act
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There Will Come Soft Rains
There Will Come Soft Rains
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The Toynbee Convector
The Toynbee Convector
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The Veldt
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Zero Hour
Zero Hour
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