114 pages 3 hours read

Jerry Spinelli


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2003

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Chapters 25-27

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 25 Summary: “Summer”

Misha recalls more about his relationship with Janina. Janina frequently cries and laughs, large explosions of emotions that resemble tantrums. Her favorite food is pickled eggs. When Janina begs her mother desperately for them, Mrs. Milgrom does not respond and stays in her usual spot, curled up on the mattress with her back to the room.

Janina frequently plays tricks on Misha. She throws Misha’s yellow-stone necklace over a wall after having kept it from him for days, and he retaliates in kind by throwing away the bag of gifts that she had once given him. Misha tries to impress upon Janina the importance of food, and not to waste it, but she simply laughs at him.

Misha now spends most nights in the Milgroms’ room. It is quiet in the evening, except for Janina. Mr. Milgrom no longer receives visitors in need of medicine, Mrs. Milgrom stays silent as she stares at the wall, and Uncle Shepsel reads his book on Lutheranism. While Janina usually plays pick-up-sticks in the dark, Misha finds that Janina is already lying down, ready for sleep.