114 pages 3 hours read

Jerry Spinelli


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2003

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Chapters 7-9

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 Summary

Stopthief reminisces on his time with Uri. He estimates it to be October of 1939. During that time, their icebox and cellar is full of food and they are happy. The boys steal food for the pleasure of it, instead of out of need. Stopthief steals an endless number of chocolates in the search for his favorite: hazelnut buttercream candies. Uri palms fresh pickles from stores. Stopthief almost exclusively steals from people while Uri thieves from stores and counters.

Stopthief remembers once when Uri went out alone and told him to stay in the cellar. Stopthief disobeys orders and leaves their safehouse. He speaks to a couple of Jackboots, telling them that he hopes to become one someday. The Jackboots laugh at this and ask him if he is Jewish. Stopthief says no, but tells them that he is a Gypsy. He then asks the Jackboots if they are Jewish. Stopthief’s question is met with laughter and derision. Soon after, Stopthief sees a woman carrying a box of cream puffs and steals it. As he runs away from the scene, he crashes into the one-armed boy. The boys laugh and eat their pastries off the floor, occasionally throwing them at one another.