29 pages 58 minutes read

John Milton

Paradise Regained

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Adult | Published in 1671

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Book IV

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Book IV Summary

Troubled that he cannot overcome Jesus’s resistance to temptation, Satan gives Jesus another mountaintop view, this time presenting the Son of God with the architectural and military glories of Rome. The current political situation in Rome present a remarkable opportunity: though Rome receives tribute from throughout the world, the Roman Empire is now under the rule of Emperor Augustus, who is aged and childless. Satan urges Jesus to take advantage of this weakness and assume control of the Roman Empire.

Jesus, however, replies that the Romans are responsible for their own undoing—since they have forsaken true virtue to pursue fleshly pleasures. Even a virtuous ruler could not correct their mentality. Satan proceeds to make Jesus an even more dramatic offer: if Jesus will worship Satan, Satan will grant Jesus dominion over all of civilization. Jesus reacts to this offer with aversion, pointing out that only God deserves worship, here emphasizing Satan’s evil and aberrant nature.

Satan then acknowledges that on a personal level, Jesus’s coming will be fatal for him and his demons, but he proposes a new form of power for Jesus to seize. Showing Jesus the glories of Athens, Satan exhorts the Son of God to become famous through wisdom, to absorb the knowledge of famed philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Yet Jesus is uninterested in philosophical knowledge, believing that philosophy is but a distraction from the only source of true enlightenment: God. He further believes the Hebrew arts and civic teachings, which are traceable directly to God through the Old Testament, are vastly superior to the achievements of Greece and Rome.

After predicting that Jesus will be experience sorrow and hardship—even if Jesus does eventually attain authority—Satan departs. Night falls, and a storm assaults the area where Jesus is sleeping. Jesus, for his part, endures the storm without complaint. In the morning, Satan greets him and once again indicates that Jesus’s life will be attended by suffering, no matter whether Jesus fulfills his prophesied role as a savior.

The unbothered Jesus dismisses the storm as only another trial sent by Satan. Infuriated by Jesus’s reply, Satan reveals that he has monitored Jesus from his manger birth and that his temptations thus far have been attempts to understand the virtues and the powers of his deadly enemy. Satan then transports Jesus high above Jerusalem; there, he tells Jesus to cast himself down from the highest tower in the city. If Jesus is truly the Son of God then God will protect Jesus from harm. Quoting scripture, Jesus tells Satan that God must not be tempted. These words send Satan himself falling in defeat.

Taking the form of a fiery orb, angels rush to Jesus’s aid as Satan falls. These angels transport Jesus to a lush valley. Then, joining together in song, the angels praise Jesus as a reflection of God’s majesty—the true Son of God—and affirm that Jesus will be the savior of humankind. In Jesus, humanity has found a corrective for Adam’s sins and a protector who will defeat Satan. Having concluded this song of triumph, the angels then transport Jesus to his mother Mary’s home.

Book IV Analysis

As Book IV progresses, Satan presents Jesus with trials that are both dramatic and, in a sense, desperate. Satan does make a few further promises of worldly glory and alludes to the weakened, sinful state of the Roman Empire—and in the process of doing so begins resorting to tactics that, logically, have almost no chance of success against Jesus. For instance, the promise that Jesus will enjoy supreme power if he worships Satan as a “superior Lord” (IV.167) is fundamentally unlikely to succeed, considering Jesus’s awareness of the almost unconditional evil that Satan represents. Satan, as far as argumentation is concerned, is running out of options.

The sense that Satan’s line of argument is finally wearing out may also explain the final few temptations that Jesus must undergo. In sending a storm to test Jesus’s endurance, and in then transporting Jesus high above Jerusalem, the fallen angel creates a series of climactic situations: in its imagery of “Fierce rain with lightning mixed, water with fire” (IV.412), the storm sequence is visually dramatic, as is the temptation on the temple “Of alabaster, topt with golden spires” (IV.548). Such visual drama, however, should not obscure the fact that Satan is tempting Jesus to avoid discomfort and perform a miracle. Both temptations were attempted, in somewhat different forms, in Book I. In Book IV, Satan is simply repulsed once more.

Dramatic though these sequences are, Milton’s brief epic is a radical departure from other entries in its genre. Jesus’s virtue lies in how willing he is to renounce glory, not in how desperate he is to achieve a great goal. He has not slain monsters (in the manner of Odysseus) or founded a civilization (in the manner of Aeneas). Yet, in a sense he has done both: he has defeated the ultimate monster of human history, Satan, and has laid the groundwork for Christian civilization.