17 pages 34 minutes read

Seamus Heaney


Fiction | Poem | Adult | Published in 1966

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Relationships Take Care and Work

Heaney uses the work of masons to highlight the care, time, and devotion that individuals must have in their relationships—whether those relationships exist between lovers, family members or friends. Just as masons “test out the scaffolding” (Line 2), individuals must be willing to test the security of their human connections. Humans must ensure “that planks won’t slip at busy points” (Line 3). In terms of relationships, they should make sure their connections with others remain strong despite the mundanities and trials of daily life. They should make certain that daily interactions with their loved ones aren’t taken for granted. Just as masons “secure all ladders” (Line 4), individuals must check in with their loved ones, assess where they are at in their relationship, and be prepared to build upon these connections and take them to the next level. Masons need to “tighten bolted joints” (Line 4) of the scaffolding. Humans need to know what works and what doesn’t work in their relationships, and when they find something going well, they need to focus their time and energy on those areas to strengthen and “tighten” (Line 4) them. They must build from their strengths.

With all of these steps, with all of this care and devotion, relationships can grow and mature. For masons, the scaffolding eventually “comes down when the job’s done” (Line 5); with relationships, however, the job is never really finished. There will always be scaffolding constructed in one aspect of a relationship or another. There is always something in a relationship that individuals can work on together.

Preparation is Key

All of the preparation and work discussed in the previous theme—showing how relationships take time and work—is absolutely necessary to withstand the rocky times relationships inevitably endure. For masons, scaffolding is purposefully removed to reveal their finished work of “walls of sure and solid stone” (Line 6). However, as noted above, scaffolding is required at various points in relationships, as individuals can always work toward some shared goal. This doesn’t mean that the scaffolding won’t come down, though. Fights happen in relationships. Partners miscommunicate and misunderstand one another. Rough patches may dampen feelings of peace and happiness. All of this is inevitable for any relationship. Heaney hints at these fights and rough patches when he describes the “[o]ld bridges breaking between you and me” (Line 8) and how disagreements may “let the scaffolds fall” (Line 9). Yet, the time and effort already put into the relationship is key. The preparation by the partners with these possibly rocky times in mind proves essential. This preparation allows the speaker and their loved one to remain “[c]onfident that we have built our wall” (Line 10). While rough times are apt to happen in any relationship, they don’t have to prove the end of any partnership or connection. If the time and work has been completed, the relationship will endure the temporary hardship until its members are able to put up more scaffolding and continue their work rebuilding and maintaining the bond they share.

Walls Aren’t Just for Keeping People Out

As described in the “Symbols & Motifs” section below, walls play a key role in Heaney’s “Scaffolding.” In terms of relationships, the concept of “walls” is often thought to have a negative connotation. Walls divide people by separating them and keeping them apart. Walls can be viewed as structures within individuals enclose themselves to keep safe and shut off from any possibility of being hurt.

This, however, is not the way Heaney presents the imagery of walls in his poem. For Heaney, walls are the result of collaboration and teamwork: They are built in collaboration to be a sturdy foundation for the futur. The “[m]asons” (Line 1) work together to construct their “walls of sure and solid stone” (Line 6). Similarly, the speaker and their loved one remain must “[c]onfident that we have built our wall” (Line 10) at the end of the poem. The inclusive nature of the phrasing the speaker uses to describe this wall exemplifies its collaboration as opposed to its divisiveness. The speaker states “we have built” (Line 10), implying this is something they and their partner have done together. The speaker calls the structure “our wall” (Line 10), implying joint ownership and responsibility. Rather than building separate walls between them, the couple’s wall is a shared project. Rather than a dividing structure implying isolation, the walls of Heaney’s poem denote mutual strength and stability.