61 pages2 hours read

Richard Flanagan

The Narrow Road to the Deep North

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2013

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Part 3, Chapters 1-9

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3

Part 3, Chapter 1 Summary

Darky Gardiner is in the sleeping tent after helping to fetch the abandoned Japanese truck. He lies down next to a man named Tiny and tries to avoid touching him because Tiny has ringworm. Darky takes a can of condensed milk and an egg from his kit. He had gotten the egg from Rabbit Hendricks, who had died of cholera the day before. He had stolen the milk.

Tiny is an enormous man who has proven, so far, immune to the illnesses felling the other men. He works with great energy and finishes his work quote before anyone else: “It was his triumph over his Japanese captors” (163). This makes the Japanese expect everyone else to work as hard as he does, and they raise the quota. Darky starts to hate him.

When the Speedo comes, the POWs fall behind schedule and are forced to work night shifts. The first night shift is the first time Tiny struggles. A guard they call the Goanna sees Tiny slowing down and beats and kicks him for several minutes. Tiny begins to sob when the beating ends. Both Darky and the Goanna are surprised: No one cries on
